
How can I use IList with a master/detail type class?

I have tried:

public class TextFillerParent

   /////// I am not sure if the code on the next 7 lines is correct ///////
        public IList<TextFillerDetail> TextFillerDetails
            get { return _textfillerDetails; }
            set { _textfillerDetails = new List<TextFiller>(value); }

        private List<TextFiller> _textfillerDetails;

    public class TextFillerDetail

        public TextFillerDetail()
            this.Text = new HtmlText();
            this.ImageFile = String.Empty;

        public HtmlText Text { get; set; }
        public string ImageFile { get; set; }

    public class HtmlText

        public HtmlText()
            TextWithHtml = String.Empty;
        public string TextWithHtml { get; set; }

and then:

        var txt = new TextFillerParent();

  txt.TextFillerDetail开发者_StackOverflow中文版s.Add(new TextFillerDetail()); <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  txt.TextFillerDetails.Add(new TextFillerDetail
      Text = new HtmlText { TextWithHtml = "One" },
      Explanation = new HtmlText { TextWithHtml = "One" }
  txt.TextFillerDetails.Add(new TextFillerDetail
      Text = new HtmlText { TextWithHtml = "Two" },
      Explanation = new HtmlText { TextWithHtml = "Two" }

  var abb = txt.TextFillerDetails[1];

I think something is missing or I am doing something very wrong. when I run the code I get an error Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object. On the line with <<<<

The way you have it, you've never set TextFillerDetails to a new list. You should only create the new list for _textfillerDetails once:

public IList<TextFillerDetail> TextFillerDetails        
    get { return _textfillerDetails; }

private List<TextFiller> _textfillerDetails = new List<TextFiller>();




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