wicket issue unable to move items from one listmultiplechoice another
I have a Wicket Panel. It has two text fields adjacent to each other and two ListMultipleChoice controls adjacent to each other and two buttons "add and remove" in between two these ListMultipleChoice's.
I was unable to move the items from one list box to another unless I entered some values in text fields, which were prior to the list boxes.
If values were entered in text fields, I was able to move the items.
Please find the code below.
TextField<BigDecimal> textfield1 = new TextField<BigDecimal>("value1")
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8199976201679629866L;
public IConverter getConverter(Class<?> type) {
return new FixedDecimalPlacesConverter();
textfield1.setLabel(new Model<String>("Value1"));
.add(new FixedDecimalPlacesValidator(2));
add(new FeedBackBorder("Border1").add(textfield1));
TextField <BigDecimal> textfield2 = new TextField<BigDecimal>("value2")
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8199976201679629866L;
public IConverter getConverter(Class<?> type) {
return new FixedDecimalPlacesConverter();
textfield2.setLabel(new Model<String>("Value2"));
.add(new FixedDecimalPlacesValidator(2));
add (new FeedBackBorder("Border2").add(textfield2));
ChoiceRenderer<UserBean> choiceRenderer = new ChoiceRenderer<UserBean>("userName", "userID.ID");
availableUsers= new ListMultipleChoice<UserBean>( "availableUsersBean", availableUsersList, choiceRenderer );
availableUsers.setLabel(new Model<String>("Available Users"));
add(new FeedBackBorder("availableUsersBorder").add(availableUsers));
selectedUsers = new ListMultipleChoice<UserBean>( "selectedUsersBean", selectedUsersList, choiceRenderer );
selectedUsers.setLabel(new Model<String>("Selected Users"));
add(new FeedBackBorder("selectedUsers Border").add(selectedUsers ));
add = new AjaxButton("add") {
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
update(target, availableUsers.getModelValue(开发者_JS百科),availableUsers, selectedUsers);
add(new FeedBackBorder("addBorder").add(add));
remove = new AjaxButton("remove") {
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
update(target, selectedUsers.getModelValue(), selectedUsers , availableUsers);
add(new FeedBackBorder("removeBorder").add(remove));
What could be the issue?
I am using org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Button which allows you to turn off full form submit with button click with the setDefaultFormProcessing(boolean)
. This should allow you to process actions without submitting your complete form, therefore not validating required textfields.
At a first glance: Your TextFields are required. Submitting the Form via AjaxButtons wouldn't trigger the onSubmit
method for an invalid form but the onError
Possible Solutions (in no particular order):
- Moving the Lists to a nested form
- Moving the contents of the
to a separate method and call it fromonError
too - Move the item moving logic to a pure JavaScript based Behaviour or Decorator that doesn't trigger a form submit.