
C# Sending buttonclicks to same Object

I have a lot of buttons in my project. To make the program I shorter need to get every click of a button to the开发者_JS百科 same "Button_click" method. Is this possible?


Just use the same event handler for all the buttons. In code, this would be:

button1.Click += HandleButtonClick;
button2.Click += HandleButtonClick;


It should be possible to do in the designer too.

If these are buttons in different forms, you'll need to either have a static handler method somewhere, or each form will need a reference to whatever class has the handler method. You may well need to add these handlers in code, rather than using the designer.

Yes - it's perfectly possible.

You don't say whether you're WinForms or WPF but the basic way is to create a private method that's the handler and then call that from each button handler:

private void ButtonHandler(some arguments)

private void OnButton1Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ButtonHandler(some arguments);

However, you can just subscribe the same handler to each button's click event:

Button1.Click += ButtonHandler;
Button2.Click += ButtonHandler;

Or set these from the designer - just pick the existing method from the drop-down list rather than creating a new handler.

With WPF you can quite easily bind each button click to the same handler in XAML:

<Button x:Name="Button1" Click="ButtonHandler" ... />
<Button x:Name="Button2" Click="ButtonHandler" ... />

Again the designer gives you the choice of selecting an existing handler as well as creating a new one.

Yes, it's possible, just select the method you need in your Events tab of Properties Window designer (you can show it from the main menu: View -> Properties Window):

C# Sending buttonclicks to same Object

Or do it manually in <Formname>.Designer.cs file:

this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);
this.button2.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);

Also, if you want to perform slightly different actions depenging of which button was pressed and still only use one method, use sender argument. Its value will always be a reference to the button that was clicked, so you can do some logic by looking at button's Name or Tag properties:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Button btn = (Button)sender;

    switch((int)btn.Tag) {
        case 1:
             // action 1
        case 2:
             // action 2

Still, you should be careful with this and see if it really gives you any benefits to share an event handler instead of creating separate handlers for different buttons.





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