
Pdf generation with PHP [closed]

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I was wondering does anyone know any PHP Pdf generation libraries that support absolute positioning.

I'm needing to generate pd开发者_高级运维f's dynamically, all positing needs to be done absolute.

does such a library exist, I tried domPdf it doesn't support it though :(

I wouldn't recommend Zend_Pdf since I've run into some weird errors with larger PDF files, and I find it a bit crude to work with. Fpdf would be my choice. It's easy to learn, versitile and quite easy to integrate into Zend Framework.

Zend_PDF is done almost entirely in absolute positioning afaik

I use a combination of a PDF template that was built in InDesign and Zend_Pdf to place the dynamic content in the file.

In zend-framework, Zend_PDF is a good option.

Following links might help you :



In CodeIgniter Framework,

R&OS is a good class..

Here are the links that you can use

Generate PDF File with values from MySQL DB using CodeIgniter Framework

Generate tabulated PDF File with values from MySQL DB using CodeIgniter Framework





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