How to get the position of a Layout relative to screen
I want to animate a relative layout along the y-axis so I want to get its position on the y-axis. I tried many things like:
and so on, but everything is returning 0.
How can I find the position?
following is the code
ImageView advancetab = (ImageView) findViewById(;
RelativeLayout advancelayout = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
final ObjectAnimator anim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(advancelayout, "Y",
advancetab.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
开发者_StackOverflow社区 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
When i clicked on the image then layout animate from 0,0 position to up.
Here is my answer,
private int[] getViewLocations(View view) {
int[] locations = new int[2];
return locations;
Use like this,
int[] locations = getViewLocations(yourcustomview);
int x = locations[0]; // x position of left
int y = locations[1]; // y position of top
Have fun.@.@
I think, I am not sure that you have to make a 'canvas' and then use the options to find the position of x and y coordinates.. May be there are other options, but I have done this using this only.
do write your code inside onwindowsfocuschange() of activity class...there you will get the parameters regarding your position on screen with getLocationonscreen() method of any view.