Message: Invalid argument. Google maps
Trying to debug this Google maps error.
Works in all tested browsers except IE. Sometimes markers s开发者_开发知识库how, sometimes they won't.
Webpage error details Message: Invalid argument. Line: 27 Char: 56 Code: 0 URI:
I had this problem, and for me, it turned out to be a conflict with a jquery ajax call on document.ready(). notable details:
- was including this gstatic file ref'd above
- was including jquery 1.6.4, in noConflict() mode
- was including jquery UI 1.8.14
- was executing an ajax call to populate a div (a cart widget, how many items, how much etc.), on document.ready()
to solve, i ended up with something like this:
// wrap ajax call in a function, then figure out if we execute it now, or delay.
var f = function(){
$.getJSON('/ajax_handler/', function(data){/* do stuff */});
// check if google code is present (not sure how robust this is)
if(window['google']){ // We've got some Google, delay ajax call by 5s.
setTimeout(f, 5000); // this was the lowest i could safely go, unfortunately.
} else { // No Google, do the ajax call immediately