
Using Activemq, spring for processed messages

I want to make an application where:

  • Users will send a message to queue
  • Listener will listen messages of queue After processing of message in listener, listener will create a new response message and send it to another success or fail开发者_如何学Goure queue.


  • Should I use activemq as storage of processed messages?
  • Will I be able to retrieve all messages of one queue without listing to them?
  • Do we have any other solution for keeping all processed messages? I want to make a report of all processed messages present in success and failure queue.

You can find a minimalistic sample here and here for using ActiveMQ with Spring. About persistence options, read ActiveMQ docs. Also you might want to check out these slides, to get a general overview on Spring JMS with ActiveMQ.

ActiveMQ is not a storage facility, it is a message-passing facility.

If you want to store the messages after processing them then use a database. For example, create a table that has a status flag for success or failure, then for reporting query that table.





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