
Java authentication/authorization server

I've been thrown in at the deep end a bit here, as I never expected I would have to do something like this and I have no idea where to start; so I'm helping somebody will be able to help me (ideally by providing some java code)...

In my effort to protect my Java software from piracy I have found that it is completely impossible unless I continusely check online - so thats what I want to do. Only, the only details I know are that, my program needs to communicate with some sort of script online and verify the licence key the program is using and then report back accordingly.

However, that's all I know - I am still stuck as to what the server side actually consists of. I'm hoping that the fact I am not hosting the website myself (an using JustHost) will not stop me from being able to do what I need.

So basically, I would like some help in creating a setup that allows my prevent anyone from pirating my software while connected to the internet. I though about having something like a login system; the users licence key would act as a username and password, but to be honest I really have no idea because if I did it that way would have to manually login and logout each time they wanted to use the software.

开发者_StackOverflowAnd not to run before I can walk but what happens when the user is not connected to internet? Even worse, how do I tell if somebody has stealed an legitamate users licence key? etc.

Thanks in Advance,


PS If it helps, I plan to use PostgreSQL (or maybe MySQL) and I am not paying for a dedicated server with JustHost.com...

Once your code is on their machine they can modify to simply ignore your checks. You can make it as hard as possible but it will never be hack proof.

In general your question is identical to this one which has some good discussion.

  1. Try to delegate part of your business logic to server side. This way some core processes can not complete unless the application license is valid. Of course, if you have some logic that can be delegated. If your application is client-only than this approach is a bad choice.

  2. If your application will be sold for a lot of money, try implementing solution using HASP key approach (which is investment by itself) instead of server authentication I understand this is not what you asked, I am just giving another idea.

  3. try to create security by obfuscation/encryption and you will fail if your application becomes popular, since there will always be someone who will crack it in 5 minutes :(





验证码 换一张
取 消

