Permissions Error - Trying to get friends using android facebook sdk
I am trying to add a feature to my android app that allows users to "checkin" with other people tagged to the checkin. I have the checkins method working no problem and can tag some one by adding the user ID as a parameter (see code below)
public void postLocationTagged(String msg, String tags, String placeID, Double lat, Double lon) {
Log.d("Tests", "Testing graph API location post");
String access_token = sharedPrefs.getString("access_token", "x");
try {
if (isSession()) {
String response = mFacebook.request("me");
Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
parameters.putString("access_token", access_token);
parameters.putString("place", placeID);
JSONObject coordinates = new JSONObject();
coordinates.put("latitude", lat);
coordinates.put("longitude", lon);
parameters.putString("tags", tags);
response = mFacebook.request("me/checkins", parameters, "POST");
Toast display = Toast.makeText(this, "Checkin has been posted to Facebook.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);;
Log.d("Tests", "got response: " + response);
if (response == null || response.equals("") ||
response.equals("false")) {
Log.v("Error", "Blank response");
} else {
// no logged in, so relogin
Log.d(TAG, "sessionNOTValid, relogin");
mFacebook.authorize(this, PERMS, new LoginDialogListener());
} catch(Exception e) {
This works fine (I've posted it in case it is of help to anyone else!), the problem i am having is i am trying to create a list of the users friends so they can select the friends they want to tag. I have the method getFriends (see below) which i am then going to use to generate an AlertDialog that the user can select from which in turn will give me the id to use in the above "postLocationTagged" method.
public void getFriends(CharSequence[] charFriendsNames,CharSequence[] charFriendsID, ProgressBar progbar) {
pb = progbar;
try {
if (isSession()) {
String access_token = sharedPrefs.getString("access_token", "x");
friends = charFriendsNames;
friendsID = charFriendsID;
Log.d(TAG, "Getting Friends!");
String response = mFacebook.request("me");
Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
parameters.putString("access_token", access_token);
response = mFacebook.request("me/friends", parameters, "POST");
Log.d("Tests", "got response: " + response);
if (response == null || response.equals("") ||
response.equals("false")) {
Log.v("Error", "Blank resp开发者_Go百科onse");
} else {
// no logged in, so relogin
Log.d(TAG, "sessionNOTValid, relogin");
mFacebook.authorize(this, PERMS, new LoginDialogListener());
} catch(Exception e) {
When i look at the response in the log it reads:
"got responce: {"error":{"type":"OAuthException", "message":"(#200) Permissions error"}}"
I have looked through the graphAPI documentation and searched for similar questions but to no avail! I'm not sure if i need to request extra permissions for the app or if this is something your just not allowed to do! Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You might need the following permissions:
- user_checkins
- friends_checkins
- read_friendlists
- manage_friendlists
- publish_checkins
Check the related ones from the API docs. Before that, make sure that which line causes this permission error and try to fix it.
The solution is to implement a RequestListener when making the request to the Facebook graph API. I have the new getFriends() method (see below) which uses the AsyncGacebookRunner to request the data.
public void getFriends(CharSequence[] charFriendsNames,String[] sFriendsID, ProgressBar progbar) {
//Pass arrays to store data
friends = charFriendsNames;
friendsID = sFriendsID;
pb = progbar;
Log.d(TAG, "Getting Friends!");
//Create Request with Friends Request Listener
mAsyncRunner.request("me/friends", new FriendsRequestListener());
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Exception: " + e.getMessage());
The AsyncFacebookRunner makes the the request using the custom FriendsRequestListener (see below) which implements the RequestListener class;
private class FriendsRequestListener implements RequestListener {
String friendData;
//Method runs when request is complete
public void onComplete(String response, Object state) {
Log.d(TAG, "FriendListRequestONComplete");
//Create a copy of the response so i can be read in the run() method.
friendData = response;
//Create method to run on UI thread
FBConnectActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
//Parse JSON Data
JSONObject json;
json = Util.parseJson(friendData);
//Get the JSONArry from our response JSONObject
JSONArray friendArray = json.getJSONArray("data");
//Loop through our JSONArray
int friendCount = 0;
String fId, fNm;
JSONObject friend;
for (int i = 0;i<friendArray.length();i++){
//Get a JSONObject from the JSONArray
friend = friendArray.getJSONObject(i);
//Extract the strings from the JSONObject
fId = friend.getString("id");
fNm = friend.getString("name");
//Set the values to our arrays
friendsID[friendCount] = fId;
friends[friendCount] = fNm;
friendCount ++;
Log.d("TEST", "Friend Added: " + fNm);
//Remove Progress Bar
} catch (JSONException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (FacebookError e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Feel free to use any of this code in your own projects, or ask any questions about it.
You can private static final String[] PERMISSIONS = new String[] {"publish_stream","status_update",xxxx};
xxx is premissions