How to disable mod_deflate in apache2?
How can I disable mod_deflate in Apache2
- For files in a specific directory
- For all files that have extension of,开发者_StackOverflow社区 for example .py?
You could set the environment variable no-gzip for that directory/type of file:
# for URL paths that begin with "/foo/bar/"
SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/foo/bar/ no-gzip=1
# for files that end with ".py"
<FilesMatch \.py$>
SetEnv no-gzip 1
Quote from:
Disable Compression: To disable compression in Apache, typically you just need to disable the module mod_deflate...
$ sudo a2dismod deflate
Module deflate disabled.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Don't know if this is a general solution, but it worked for me at least, to turn of mod_deflate for .py-files within a .htaccess file in a certain folder:
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "\.py$" no-gzip dont-vary