
JQuery tr:not to skip 2 trs with class names

I want to skip 2 tr in the table with 2 different classes.

first tr with class is .gridTitleRow and 2nd tr with class is .gridSpan . How to skip these in below syntax?

$.each($(".gridTable tr:not(.gridTitleRow)"), function(a, b){});

EDITED I am using each like below

$("#gridBtn").live("click", function (e) {
     var indexArraay = [];
     var flag = false;
     $.each($(".gridTable tr:not(.gridTitleRow)"), function(a, b){

            var id = $("input.idField", b).val();
            var order = $("input[id='index']", b).val();
            var active = $("input[id='activeCb']", b).attr("checked");
            var deleteRow = $("input[id='deleteCb']", b).attr("checked");

            (deleteRow == true) ? flag = true : null;

                "id": id,
                "index": order,
                "active": active,
                "delete": deleteRow
    if (flag == true)

        var text = "Alert: Deleting footer Prent menu will delete all submenus and assigned pages to it.";
        $('<div title="Confirmation:">' + text + '</div>').dialog({
            height: 'auto',
            width: 350,
            modal: true,
            resizable: false,
            buttons: {
                Cancel: function () {
                Confirm: function () {

}); //End of gridBtn


<script id="gridTemplate" type="text/x-jQuery-tmpl">
    <tr class="gridRow">
        <td class="gridSpan" colspan="5">${$data[0].Title}</td>
    {{tmpl($data) "#cellTemplate"}}
<script id="cellTemplate" type="text/x-jQuery-tmpl">
    <tr class="gridRow">
        <td class="cellTd ">
            <input type="checkbox" id="deleteCb" />
            <input type="hidden" id="Id_ + ${num}" class="idField" value="${Id}" />
        <td class="cellTd">
            <input id="index" name="index" class="numberField" type="text" value="${IndexOrder}" />
        <td class="cellTd">${DisplayName}</td>
        <td class="cellTd ">${UrlName}</td>
        <td class="cellTd ">
            <input type="checkbox" id="activeCb" {{if Active}} checked{{/if}} />

<span class="instructions">Only numeric value is allowed in IndexOrder textbox.</span>
<div class="gridDiv">
<table class="gridTable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <tr class="gridTitleRow">
            <td class="iconLink width36">Delete</td>
            <td class="iconLink width60">Sort Order</td>
            <td class="iconLink widthAuto">Display Name</td>
            <td class="iconLink widthAuto">Url Name</td>
            <td class="iconLink widthAuto">Active</td>


$.each($(".gridTable tr:not(.gridTitleRow, .gridSpan)"), function(a, b){});

In selectors, the "," is like "or". Wait - it's like "and", but because your selector here is in a "not()" clause, it's "not this one and not that one", which is like "not (this one or that one)". I think I may belabor the point a bit :-)

edit — no I convinced myself it's "or" again. Need coffee.

edit again — a couple things:

  • There's no reason to call "$.each()" when the first object is already a jQuery object:

    $(".gridTable tr:not(.gridTitleRow, .gridSpan)").each(function(i, elem) {
  • When searching by "id" value, there's no reason to use an attribute selector, and there's no reason to use a context because "id" values must be unique. Use "#id":

    var order = $('#index');
  • Please note again that it is invalid to use the same "id" value for multiple elements on a page. If you're using the same "id" on many table rows, that is wrong and you'll have to change it.

  • The jQuery team has deprecated the form $(selector, base) and prefer the form $(base).find(selector). Internally, the library always performs that transformation, so you might as well save it the trouble:

    var deleteRow = $(b).find('#deleteCb');
  • It's not at all clear what "flag" is supposed to do, but you may have forgotten to declare it. Maybe it's a global variable.

  • Your comment says that "empty tr is passing with undefined", but I do not know what that means. If the selector finds no <tr> elements, the "each" loop will simply not happen. If you describe what exactly it is that's undefined, it might be possible to help.

I'd probably take it out of the selector so that you retain your valid querySelectorAll selector:

$(".gridTable tr").not('.gridTitleRow,.gridSpan').each( function(a, b){});

The selector would be valid for qsa if there was only one class name you were filtering out using :not(), but with two, it becomes invalid, and defaults to the Sizzle's javascript based engine.





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