
Has anyone tried the new MySQL 5.5 InnoDB for performance?

I would like to know if anyone has personally benchmarked the new InnoDB with large data sets.

I don't use the latest version but I have implemented ISAM tables with over 20 million records. It's well indexed and I am able to pick out on a given condition, about 10K开发者_如何学运维 records in less than 10 seconds. But my issue is that it won't do to good with new inserts since the index has to be rebuilt.

I read that the new InnoDB engine is really fast with ACID Transactions.

BTW, the DB is going to be constantly read by many users and also new entries may coming in frequently.

Has anyone really tried this?

I've never used the innodb plugin as I've always found the standard innodb engine to be perfectly perfomant, especially for reads. Not sure why people think myisam is more performant than innodb - it's a conundrum wrapped in an enigma.

Previous answers

  • 500 million rows query runtimes of 0.02 seconds

    MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one

  • 60 million rows query runtimes of 0.34 seconds

    60 million entries, select entries from a certain month. How to optimize database?

  • 125 million rows query runtimes of 0.7 seconds

    How to avoid "Using temporary" in many-to-many queries?

  • 100 million rows...

    Optimal MySQL settings for queries that deliver large amounts of data?

More interesting stuff

  • http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/innodb-index-types.html

  • http://www.xaprb.com/blog/2006/07/04/how-to-exploit-mysql-index-optimizations/

  • http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2011/03/18/video-the-innodb-storage-engine-for-mysql/

  • http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2008/12/03/mysql-50-51-and-innodb-plugin-cpu-efficiency/

  • http://code.openark.org/blog/mysql/reasons-to-use-innodb-plugin

Percona just had a session on InnoDB in 5.5 at their last seminar. You can download the slides for "Migrating From MyISAM to InnoDB" here (http://www.percona.com/live/nyc-2011/schedule/sessions/).

They have fixed a lot of things in 5.5 that increase performance and resolve a lot of issues so it can better take advantage of the hardware. Performance is still highly reliant on memory allocation though.





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