
Disable monitorOrientation in sencha touch

How to disable monitorOrientation property in sencha touch globally?

Please hel开发者_JAVA技巧p.

If by disable you mean prevent the orientation from changing then it cannot be done in a clean way (at least on the iPhone platform).

You could (possibly) investigate the idea of re-oritentating the display when the orientation changes as described here, although I'm pretty sure iOS won't let you prevent it (you may have some luck with Android)

This thread poses a similar question.

You can disable, block the orientation in portrait/ landscape or other using :

  • For Android if you open with Eclipse: The AndroidManifest under your "Application Nodes" => Screen Orientation

  • For all system (IOS, Android, BlackBerry, WebOS ... ) : You can do this using Phonegap : it let you encapsule your app in a WebView using HTML5. You just have to create a config.xml like this : https://build.phonegap.com/docs/config-xml and add this : in the balise.

Next, you just have to compile your app using http://build.phonegap.com . It's free, easy and fast to use.

Hope this help you ;)





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