How to use the text visualizer?
I have found this link that introduces the usage of Text Visualizer.
Also, I have used the following code snippet in order to trigger the text visualizer in VS2010 SP1.
string str = "Hello World";
When I hover the mouse on top of str, I only see "(local variable) string str" without seeing the exptected "Text Visualizer/XML Visualizer/HTML Visualizer". Do I miss something here?
Visualisers are a feature of the Visual Studio Debugger, i.e. they're a runtime feature.
Set a breakpoint, run your program and hover the mouse over the variable name:
At design-time, Visual Studio shows only the type of the variable:
Put some XML content inside your string and try again.
At what point are you setting the breakpoint? If you're on the first line (string str=) then there isn't a value for str yet.
Set the breakpoint on the second line, then mouse over str.