
Hypothetical question about AJAX/PHP voting systems and Amazon Mechanical Turk

I'm not too familiar with Amazon Mechanical Turk, but being a JavaScript/PHP developer, it occurred to me that paying for someone to click through could affect simple voting applications (i.e. Yahoo's OMG voting).

Hypothetically speaking, is there a way or method to validate against clicks from this service and block th开发者_如何学Goem? For the sake of the question, let's assume the voting system is using a combo of PHP, AJAX and jQuery.

Nothing comes to mind, as the people doing the clicking are just that. Actual People. You have no programmatic way of differentiating one actual person behind a computer from another person who is getting paid to do this.

At least, not to my knowledge. To a web server, they both look the same. You can't rely on a referrer or... anything. It's just a person mindlessly clicking.

I suppose if your application had multiple things to vote on, you could keep track of votes by IP/session/whatever, and then do a check to make sure you aren't getting an obscene amount from 1 place, but then the people posting listings would just change how many clicks they paid for...

I think you're just screwed.

you can secure ur polls with simple lines.

  1. User can only vote if he stays on page more than 20sec. (javascript)
  2. Cookie save that he saved.
  3. Ip saved in file/mysql to block him from re voting

that's is usually enough to block all spammers away ! or not ?





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