Books for Teaching Kids to Program in Javascript [closed]
I'm looking for a physical, printed book to teach children how to program, using Javascript as the teaching language.
The best question found about teaching programming in general is Best ways to teach a beginner to program, but that has a Python bias, and doesn't mention any Javascript focused books.
When I was a kid I had a book that explained how to program in BASIC, with child-friendly explanations and listings to type in as you went along. Surely these must still exist?
Quote OP: I'm looking for a physical, printed book to teach children how to program, using Javascript as the teaching language.
Basic algebra is for children because many adults already know algebra. An adult that does not know basic algebra would also need to use the same book as a child, but does that make it a children's book or simply a "basic algebra" book?
When I was a child I was interested in Electrical Engineering and read plenty of books. Even the college level (101) books start with an assumption that you know nothing of the topic.
All that being said, what I think you need is just a good JavaScript book that starts out with the very basics. I honestly don't think you can get more "child-friendly" text than in any of the "for Dummies" series of books. They are truly written so even a child can understand.
JavaScript for Dummies 4th Edition
JavaScript and Ajax for Dummies
jQuery for Dummies
All JavaScript "for Dummies" books
A 'modern' approach is through free interactive lessons, such as this one by