
Is DRM right way?

I need to protect content(e.g. different files) which I load from server when user buy it. And protect it from copy. I need to do that on different platforms/devices.

I thought about Digital Right Management implementation. Is it right way? What can you recommend me?


DRM can never be a bulletproof answer. The reason? They user has to decrypt content to play it, that means that at some point he HAS the decryption key and thus HAS the cleartext content. He just needs to get the content from this moment, and therefore your content will be shareable and not protected anymore by DRM. That's why DRM are usually a failure and snake oil, it just means slowing down the attacker. So to me, that's not a good way.

Now you can do watermarking: that is marking the content with the end user identity in a non-removable way (cryptographic, redundant, sneaky) and let know the user about that (look for steganography programs and attribute user a unique id). This will give him incentive not to share the content. He will be able to copy, but then bear the responsibility in case of disclosure that is easily traced back to him. Add clause in the EULA saying that the user bear costs & responsibility in case of disclosure.

One way to do this is to provide your content and a reader, such that only your reader application can display/use your content. You can then issue licenses for your reader that control how and by whom that reader can be used and what content it can access using a software license management system.





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