
How to deploy and install using single command

I have an application that is broken into four Flex modules: 1) Main module 2) Sub module 1 3) Sub module 2 3) Library project.

We have created this project in the maven way.When we try b开发者_如何学Pythonuilding the project using mvn install, it is getting built fine. The war file is getting generated and is available in the target folder.

I now have a requirement where in I need to also deploy the project to tomcat server. In order to achieve this I have made use of the tomcat-maven-plugin provided by codehaus mojo project. When I try to do a mvn tomcat:deploy, the build is failing.The build engine is not able to look up my library project. If I try executing mvn tomcat:deploy-only, the war file that was generated when we did a mvn istall is getting deployed.

Can somebody help me out with this issue.

Maven version used: 3.1 Flex mojos version used : 4.0-beta-7

Thanks, Vennela

As said in the comments, the tomcat-maven-plugin executes the deploy after maven package phase.

Since deploying is pretty much another word for copying, you could also use the maven-war-plugin (which you probably are already using) if you are having trouble with the tomcat plugin. For example:



The above copies the war to outputDirectory and exploded war to webappDirectory, overriding the default paths (invoking eg. the command "mvn package")

Default way:

  <name>Documented Project</name>

Hope it helps.





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