StrutsTestCase The /WEB-INF/web.xml was not found
I use StrutsTestCase2.4 under netbeans7.0 with struts1.3
When running testCase, it shows:Error initializing action servlet
javax.servlet.UnavailableException: The /WEB-INF/web.xml was not found.
I've googled this problem and it is suggested to be solved by setContextDirectory(new File("../web"));
protected void setUp() throws Exception
setContextDirectory(new File("../web"));
But I am not quite sure what the location of new File()
should be.
│ ├───test
│ │ └───classes
│ │ └───com
│ │ └───stolon
│ │ ├───common
│ │ ├───database
│ │ ├───helpers
│ │ └───struts
│ └───web
│ ├───META-INF
│ └───WEB-INF
│ ├───classes
│ │ └───com
│ │ └───stolon
│ │ ├───algorithm
│ │ ├───database
│ │ ├───helpers
│ │ ├───servlet
│ │ ├───structures
│ │ └───struts
│ └───lib
│ └───private
│ ├───conf
│ └───java
│ └───com
│ └───stolon
│ ├───algorithm
│ ├───database
│ ├───helpers
│ ├───servlet
│ ├───structures
│ └───struts
│ └───com
│ └───stolon
│ ├───common
│ ├───database
│ ├───helpers
│ 开发者_StackOverflow中文版 └───struts
My test file is under test-com-stolon-struts.
I just ran in to this. WEB-INF/web.xml (and probably struts-config.xml, etc.) must be on your classpath when the tests are running. Make sure netbeans is putting /build/web/ on the test classpath.
If you were using maven, you would add WEB-INF/*.xml as a test resource.
From the directory structure, it seems : setContextDirectory(new File("../../../../web"));
So, based on the tree above, the location of new File() should be "web":
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
setContextDirectory(new File("web"));