
JQuery Dialog - NOT OPENING Second Time

There are several posts on StackOverflow on the subject but none of the answers helped me. I am using the DataList control that is populated by a SELECT through a DataAdapter. A concept is recommended that only one instance of the dialog must be open but could not apply this method

The structure of the html is:

<asp:DataList ID="DataList" runat="server">
         <ItemStyle />
             <a href="" class="link"/></a>
             <div class = "dialog" id="dynamicID" style="display:none">
             </ div>
         </ ItemTemplate>
     </ asp: DataList>

The jQuery code I'm using is:

<script language="javascript开发者_如何学C" type="text/javascript">
     $ (function () {
         $ (". link. ") click (function () {
             var id = '#' + ($ (this). siblings ('. dialog'). attr ('id'));
             $ (id). dialog ({
                 AutoOpen: false,
                 closeOnEscape: true,
                 resizable: false,
                 draggable: false,
                 modal: true,
                 width: 800,
                 height: 600,
                 overlay: {backgroundColor: "# 000", opacity: 0.5},
                 top: 20,
                 show: 'fade',
                 hide: 'fade',
                 buttons: {
                     "Close": function () {
                         $ (id). dialog ('close');
             $ (id). dialog ('open');
</ script>

Imagine this HTML

<asp:DataList ID="dataList" runat="server">
        <div class="row">
                Result: <strong>
                    <%# Container.DataItem.ToString() %></strong></p>
            <a href="#" class="link" data-open="dialog_<%# Container.ItemIndex %>" />Click
            To Open</a>
            <div class="dialog" id="dialog_<%# Container.ItemIndex %>">
                    This is the text inside the dialog #
                    <%# Container.ItemIndex %>.</h2>

with this javascript

$(function () {

    // create dialogs
        autoOpen: false,
        closeOnEscape: true,
        buttons: {
            "Close": function () {

    // hook up the click event
    $(".link").bind("click", function () {
        // console.log($(this).parent());
        // open the dialog
        var dialogId = $(this).attr("data-open");
        $("#" + dialogId).dialog("open");

        return false;


works lovely.

Working example can be found here

What is wrong with your approach?

you are creating the dialog's inside a method, and this should be created inside the $(document).ready() so, everytime you click, it creates a dialog, but... it already exists and screws up everything.

When working with dialogs:

  • First you create them using .dialog()
  • You just need to use .dialog('open') to make that dialog visible
  • And use .dialog('close') to hide that dialog

by default jQuery UI CSS will hive the dialogs automatically (display:none;) so you don't need to do anything like that.

Usually just destroying the dialog on close will fix the issue.

$( "#dialogbox" ).dialog({ 
    close: function (event, ui) {

When dialog has displayed it fall out from the markup flow. So when you call var id = '#' + ($ (this).siblings('.dialog').attr('id')); you don't get anything. You can add dialog's id to array first time it opens and then if $(this).siblings ('.dialog') result is empty you may get dialog element id from array.

<script type="text/javascript">
        var registeredDialogs = [];

        function registerDialog(link, dialogDiv) {
            var linkId = $(link).attr("id");
            if (!registeredDialogs[linkId])
                registeredDialogs[linkId] = dialogDiv;

        function getDialog(link) {
            var linkId = $(link).attr("id");
            return this.registeredDialogs[linkId];

        $(function () {
            $(".link").click(function () {

                var dialogDiv = $(this).siblings('.dialog');
                if (dialogDiv.length !== 0) {
                    registerDialog(link, dialogDiv);
                else {
                    dialogDiv = this.getDialog(link);

                    AutoOpen: false,
                    closeOnEscape: true,
                    resizable: false,
                    draggable: false,
                    modal: true,
                    width: 800,
                    height: 600,
                    overlay: { backgroundColor: "# 000", opacity: 0.5 },
                    top: 20,
                    show: 'fade',
                    hide: 'fade',
                    buttons: {
                        "Close": function () {




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