
What's the most efficient way to manage large amounts of data (height data) and replace this huge array?

I need to be able to look up this data quickly and need access to all of this data. Unfortunately, I also need to conserve memory (several of this will cause OutofMemoryExceptions)

short[,,] data = new short[8000,8000,2];

I have attempted the following:

  • tried jagged array - same memory problems
  • tried breaking into smaller arrays - still get memory i开发者_开发技巧ssues
  • only resolution is to map this data efficiently using a memory mapped file or is there some other way to do this?

How about a database? After all, they are made for this.

I'd suggest you take a look at some NoSQL database. Depending on your needs, there are also in-memory databases [which obviously could suffer from the same out-of-memory problem] and databases that can be copy deployed or linked to your application.

I wouldn't want to mess with the storage details manually, and memory-mapping files is what some databases (at least MongoDB) are doing internally. So essentially, you'd be rolling your own DB, and writing a database is not trivial -- even if you narrow down the use case.

Redis or Membase sound like suitable alternatives for your problem. As far as I can see, both are able to manage the RAM utilization for you, that is, read data from the disk as needed and cache data in RAM for fast access. Of course, your access patterns will play a role here.

Keep in mind that a lot of effort went into building these DBs. According to Wikipedia, Zynga is using Membase and Redis is sponsored by VMWare.

Are you sure you need access to all of it all of the time? ...or could you load a portion of it, do your processing then move onto the next?

Could you get away with using mip-mapping or LoD representations if it's just height data? Both of those could allow you to hold lower resolutions until you need to load up specific chunks of the higher resolution data.

How much free memory do you have on your machine? What operating system are you using? Is it 64 bit?

If you're doing memory / processing intensive operations, have you considered implementing those parts in C++ where you have greater control over such things?

It's difficult to help you much further without knowing some more specifics of your system and what your actually doing with your data... ?

I wouldn't recommend a traditional relational database if you're doing numeric calculations with this data. I suspect what you're running into here isn't the size of the data itself, but rather a known problem with .NET called Large Object Heap Fragmentation. If you're running into a problem after allocating these buffers frequently (even though they should be being garbage collected), this is likely your culprit. Your best solution is to keep as many buffers as you need pre-allocated and re-use them, to prevent the reallocation and subsequent fragmentation.

How are you interacting with this large multi dimensional array? Are you using Recursion? If so, make sure your recursive methods are passing parameters by reference, rather than by value.

On a side note, do you need 100% of this data accessible at the same time? The best way to deal with large volumes of data is usually via a stream, or some kind of reader object. Try to deal with the data in segments. I've got a few processes that deal with Gigs worth of data, and it can process it in a minor amount of memory due to how I'm streaming it in via a SqlDataReader.

TL;DR: look at how you pass data between your function calls O(ref) and maybe use streaming patterns to deal with the data in smaller chunks.

hope that helps!

.NET stores shorts as 32-bit values even though they only contain 16 bits. So you could save a factor two by using an array of ints and decoding the int to two shorts yourself using bit operations.

Then you pretty much have the most efficient way of storing such an array. What you can do then is:

  1. Use a 64-bit machine. Then you can allocate a lot of memory and the OS will take care of paging the data to disk for you if you run out of RAM (make sure you have a large enough swap file). Then you can use 8 TERAbytes of data (if you have a large enough disk).

  2. Read parts of this data from disk as you need them manually using file IO, or using memory mapping.





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