running partcover on a 64 bit machine generates 1KB output file
When i run the partcover from the console on a 32 bit machine, i am getting 5 mb file generated as output. But when i ran the same on 64 bit machine's commmand prompt i am getting 1 KB file as the output.
I have used
CorFlags.exe PartCov开发者_高级运维er.exe /32BIT+ /Force
CorFlags.exe PartCover.Browser.exe /32BIT+ /Force
But no able to generate a proper output. I am using Nunit 2.5 and Part Cover 2.3
I've successfully used PartCover with NUnit on a 64 bit machine, but it often requires some fiddling to get working. One of the key things for me was to ensure that the tests were being run using nunit-console-x86.exe.
I recommend using the most recent version of PartCover, which is a fork on GitHub - PartCover.NET 4 and read this and this.