
Map Select for Conditional Query in Mathematica

Using the following list,

list = {{a, b, c, d}, {1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}};

Is it possible to select the lists where the second value is >3. Desired Output below

{5, 6, 7, 8}

adjusting the following code that currently extract all the values >2 in a list

Sele开发者_开发技巧ct[#, # > 2 &] & /@ list[[2 ;;]

Sophisticated solutions for queries can be found here Conditional Data Manipulation in Mathematica

Alternatively, using Select

Select[list, #[[2]] > 3 &]


{{5, 6, 7, 8}}

In this case Select is the simplest method, but Pick can also be useful in related problems.

list = {{a, b, c, d}, {1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}};

Pick[list, #>3& /@ list[[All, 2]] ]

To explain, Pick takes two lists (or nested lists) of the same shape, and returns every element from the first for which the corresponding element of the second is True. (It can also accept a third argument to match for elements other than True.)

Here, the second column is extracted with list[[All, 2]] and then the test #>3& is mapped to each element. This is then used as the selection list.

Responding to the comments by 500 requesting a generalization of the Select method:

selectByColumn[array_, index_, value_, range_] :=
  Select[array, #[[index]] > value &][[All, range]]

This allows one to specify:

  • array : input array to extract from
  • index : column index for compare
  • value : the value to compare to
  • range : the Part specification to extract from each result row

Speed comparison of different solutions

Interestingly, Select always works faster with unpacked arrays and for large arrays the difference is about one order of magnitude! Click the following table to enlarge:

Map Select for Conditional Query in Mathematica

The code for timing tests:

solutions = Hold[
   Select[list, #[[2]] > 3 &],
   Cases[list, _List?(#[[2]] > 3 &)],
   Cases[list, x_List /; x[[2]] > 3],
   Cases[list, {_, x_, ___} /; x > 3],
   Cases[list, {_, _?(# > 3 &), ___}],
   Cases[list, {x___} /; List[x][[2]] > 3],
   Pick[list, UnitStep[list[[All, 2]] - 3], 1],
   Pick[list, # > 3 & /@ list[[All, 2]]]
testCases = Hold[
   {"Packed Reals", RandomReal[{0, 5}, {dim, dim}]},
   {"Unpacked Reals", 
    Developer`FromPackedArray@RandomReal[{0, 5}, {dim, dim}]},
   {"Packed Integers", RandomInteger[{0, 5}, {dim, dim}]},
   {"Unpacked Integers", 
    Developer`FromPackedArray@RandomInteger[{0, 5}, {dim, dim}]},
    Rationalize[#, .001] & /@ RandomReal[{0, 5}, {dim, dim}]}
timing := 
   If[(time = First[Timing[Do[#;, {n}]]]) < .3, 
     Print["Too small timing for ", n, " iterations (dim=", dim, 
      ") of ", HoldForm[#], ": ", time, " seconds!"]; time, time]/n, 
generateTable := 
    Table[list = testCases[[i, 2]]; 
     tmgs = List @@ (timing /@ solutions); 
     d = Last@MantissaExponent[Min[tmgs]] - 3; 
     Row[{Round[10^-d*#], ".\[Times]", Superscript[10, d]}] & /@ 
      tmgs, {i, 1, Length[testCases]}], 
   TableHeadings -> {List @@ (HoldForm /@ solutions), 
     List @@ testCases[[All, 1]]}, TableAlignments -> Right], 
  Row[{"Average timings for ", dim, "\[Times]", dim, " list"}], Top]

Column[{dim = 5; n = 30000; generateTable, dim = 100; n = 3000; 
  generateTable, dim = 1000; n = 150; generateTable}, Left, 1, 
 Frame -> All, FrameStyle -> Gray]

An alternate Cases syntax. The first item is skipped, the second is tested to be > 3, and we don't care about the rest of the list:

In[45]:= Cases[list, {_, _?(# > 3 &), ___}]
Out[45]= {{5, 6, 7, 8}}

I doubt this will be faster than the Select, but sometimes is clearer, especially if the test involves different data types or match some substructure.


As noted by Alexey, the following constructs are more idiomatic in Mathematica than my earlier solution

Cases[list, x_List /; x[[2]] > 2]


Cases[list, _List?(#[[2]] > 2 &)]

One solution would be to use Cases

Cases[list, {_, x_, ___} /; x > 2]
Out[1] = {{5, 6, 7, 8}}

This is not helpful if you want to (say) check if the 95th element is > 2. So this is a better approach where you can specify the position easily:

Cases[list, {x___} /; List[x][[2]] > 2]
Out[2] = {{5, 6, 7, 8}}




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