Sending a form based on URL string variables
Does anyone know if I can use a different method of calling the page other than:
I really want to do a form submit, preferably using jQuery, eg:
Do you know what the syntax would be for that?
I don't see any jQuery in there. And I think you're looking for ajax; you can check out the MDC doc page for ajax. jQuery has a bunch of ajax related functions. Without more context about your application, the jQuery code to do an ajax request would be:
url: 'step2.php',
data: {cat: index, state: current_state}
You could also make a form submit event handler - this way when you click a submit button, the request can be made without the page refreshing:
url: 'step2.php',
data: {cat: index, state: current_state}
return false; //cancel default form submit action
There's also a jQuery plugin to ajaxify form submissions.
There is a QueryString plugin
for JQuery: which lets you access/modify querystring in an easy way such as
var newUrl = $.query.set("cat", index).set("state", current_state).toString();