
Binding listview to a lookup table

I have a list view which is bound to a database table:

dataGrid1.ItemsSource = tmpTable.DefaultView;

I have in the xaml file a开发者_运维问答 text box which is bound to one of the columns of the data table tmpTable (ID):

<TextBlock Name="txtPath" Text="{Binding ID}"

The ID represents a full path in a lookup table called Input_Docs I need txtPath to present the actual path from the lookup table Input_Docs. How do I do that?

I think the easiest way of doing this would be to write a custom value converter which you can apply to txtPath. The converter will then get the ID value passed to it (I'm guessing that isn't a problem right now for you) and do the lookup in Input_Docs returning the corresponding value which will then be displayed by txtPath

For more information on using converters have a look at IValueConverter, Binding Converter Example, Lookup Converter

I imagine the last URL will be most useful to you, but the other bits should give you an idea on the power of Converters.

I think the easiest way of doing this would be to write a custom value converter which you can apply to . I imagine the last URL will be most useful to you, but the other bits should give you an idea on the power of Converters.





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