How to get a list of a table's field names?
If MySQL were rationally designed, I would be able to select from a describe table operation's results.
But that doesn't seem to work. So how 开发者_高级运维can I get a list of a table's field names?
Take a look at the INFORMATION_SCHEMA COLUMNS table.
WHERE table_name = 'YourTableName'
MySql DDL: "show fields in myTableName"
Edit - as requested from comment:
DDL (Data Definition Language):
In the MySql Administrator, open a Query Browser window and select your database. Then enter the command above. Results will provide:
Field (fieldname)
Type Null (allowed, yes or no)
Key Default (value)
Extra *(auto_increment, etc.)*
Executing this statement in .Net can result in a DataTable with all of these values. If you only require one of the fields, then you need to use the more explicit DDL described by @Joe Stefanelli.
Perhaps this
select COLUMN_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME='my_table' and TABLE_SCHEMA='my_database';