
Kohana I18n __() or maybe I18n::load(). Performance [closed]

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If I have medium multilingual page and I have to translate all short sentence on this page (i.e. 'Create account' etc), how much time takes usually tran开发者_如何转开发slation? Is time of translation perceptible for users?

And the second question, has

$array = I18n::load('lang-lang') 

and the using it better performance then just using __()?

__() is a proxy to strtr(), which is a native PHP function, meaning very fast.

With 150 strings you won't notice any performance changes without a benchmark (meaning 0.00x s for translations total).

I don't understand the other part of the question as I18n::load() isn't comparable to __() at all, it just loads the appropriate translations file.





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