translate timestamp date of birth - in the name of the day
You can get the UNIX Timestamp using valueOf()
function where you can use modulo but you might try using easier API to get the day name from a date. I have taken the actual date of birth, say 14 April 1983 in a timestamp format. I get the monthly date value and month value form the actual DOB. I construct another date object with the monthly-date and month value and current year's value. Then I get the weekly day value (0-6 = Sun-Sat) from this date, and show the mapped day name from the array containing the names of the days.
var days = "Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday";
var actualDOB = "04/14/1983";
var date = new Date(new Date().getFullYear(), new Date(actualDOB).getMonth(), new Date(actualDOB).getDate());
alert("The day of the week this year for your birthday is : " + days.split(',')[date.getDay()] + " (" + date.toDateString() + ")");
Hope this helps.
If you have a real Date
object, you can use the getDay()
method of it in combination with an array of weekdays. Same goes for months. Here's a function to return the formatted actual birthday, the original day of birth and the day for the birthday this year:
function birthDAY(dat){
var result = {},
birthday = new Date(dat),
weekdays = 'sun,mon,tue,wedness,thurs,fri,satur'.split(','),
months = 'jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec'.split(','),
dateFormatted = function(dateobj) {
return [
', ', months[dateobj.getMonth()],
' ', dateobj.getDate(),
' ', dateobj.getFullYear()
result.bdformatted = dateFormatted(birthday);
result.origbd = weekdays[birthday.getDay()]+'day';
birthday.setFullYear(new Date().getFullYear());
result.bdthisyear = weekdays[birthday.getDay()]+'day');
return result;
var bdObj = birthDAY('1973/11/02'); // <- your timestamp here
alert(bdObj.bdformatted); //=> friday, nov 2 1973
alert(bdObj.origbd); //=> friday
alert(bdObj.bdthisyear); //=> wednessday