
How to add new option to drop down list in MVC Razor View?

I have 2 dropdown lists in MVC 3 razor view like this:

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.UserGroups, Model.UserGroups.Select(x => new SelectListItem() { Text = x.Name, Value = x.Id }), new { @class="pad5" })

They work fine. I have 3 changes to make -

1) First one needs a new option to be added at the top of this list.

<option value="">--pick--</option>

2) And the second one needs to select a specific option upon load. Say I want to pre-select this option on my second list.

<option value="100">My Friends</option>

3) both dropdowns have same data source. This causing both list to have same name on the form. How do I change the name?

I am able 开发者_Python百科to change the id, but the name seems not changing if I add this to the end:

new { @id="ViewGroup", @name="ViewGroup"}

If you have a viewmodel created, you can simply do for each dropdown:

@model Namespace.myViewModel
<select id="dropdownOne" name="dropdownOne">
    <option   value="">--pick--</option>
    @foreach (var item in Model.myModel)
        if(@item.id==100) {
            <option value="@item.id" selected="selected">@item.Name</option>
        else {
            <option value="@item.id>@item.Name</option>




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