
is there a javascript website/wiki/reference corner where we can see which browsers support *selected-function*? [closed]

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does anyone know of any javascript website/wiki/reference where we can see which browsers support selected-function ?

I mean I often go to MDC to get the api and stuff like that but usually beside the API they do not write the supported browsers.. so basically often I have开发者_如何学Python to test it myself and see if say the MouseEvent's screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey, relatedTarget works "as expected" in the latest versions of the top 5 browsers: IE/FF/Chrome/Opera/Safari

Ok I'm not lazy but I'm just looking for a better alternative..

You might try PPK's Quirksmode Master Compatibility Chart for starters. The links on the left of that main chart lead off to more specific charts. The site is kept up to date, and also has lots of information about mobile browsers.





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