
Which version of Java 1.6 is the most stable? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.

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Experts need some help in deciding stable java version. We are planing to move our application from java 1.4 to 1.6, Which version of Java 1.6 is stabler one.

The best idea is to use the last version of Java 6 (u_45). And of course Java 6 is now EOL'ed too, so you should really be upgrading to Java 7 ... or beyond.

(And next time, you shouldn't wait so long to update your platform. Java 1.4.2 became "out of date" in 2004. 2004 to 2011 is a LONG time ago in IT terms.)

It's JDK1.6_25(at the time of writing). Just check out the oracle's site.

I'm interested in this issue too and wanted to share my experience.

I question the statement that "they are all stable" - in the sense of 'working' rather than 'set in stone', at least. Perhaps for undemanding apps any JDK is as good as any other - we have rather more stringent requirements.

My experience is that both 6u12 and 6u25 have serious memory leak bugs that affect us. 6u12 has a concurrency bug, and 6u25 leaks majorly under load when escape analysis (a major compiler optimization that's turned on by default) is enabled.

I am currently testing 6u21 with better success so far. Reviewing the Sun bug DB has revealed no serious issues in that revision, but I am interested in other opinions.

It's also clear from the JDK version release notes here that some are relatively minor revisions, while others consolidate a lot of important bug fixes.

Once a Java 6 version is released its not changed, which is stable. Take the most recent release version. Avoid the beta and early access versions.





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