Sencha Touch generate app command : Windows
Do you know how to generate the application structure in Sencha Touch in Windows? I downloaded the Sencha Touch SDK and installed it. The command for generating the app should be:
./sencha generate app Contacts ../contacts
First of all this "." is not recognized in windows. Then I tried thi开发者_JAVA技巧s :
sencha generate app Contacts ../contacts
This does nothing, no error, no output. I followed this discussion too. But I couldn't make it work in Windows. Can anyone tell me how to generate full app structure in Sencha Touch?
There is a good video presentation on the topic here. But that too didn't help. May be I am missing something.
Any help?
Although the command exists, AFAIK it is not actually supported or documented yet and as such should not really be expected to actually work. In fact I think it's a bit out of date.
If it helps, here's the general structure I use to layout my apps:
name: 'app',
launch: function() {
// setup main view
this.viewport = new app.ApplicationViewport();
app.views.ApplicationViewport = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel,{
title: 'YourApp',
layout: 'card',
initComponent: function(){
// main view setup code
Ext.apply(this, {
items: [new app.views.YourModelViewport()]
// super
app.CustomersViewport.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
app.models.YourModel = Ext.regModel("YourModel", {
fields: [
// field config
validations: [
// validation configs
proxy: {
// proxy configs
app.stores.YourModelStore = new{
model: 'YourModel'
app.views.YourModelViewport = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel,{
title: 'YourModel',
layout: 'card',
initComponent: function(){
// view setup code
this.html = 'A Viewport';
// super
app.CustomersViewport.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
Ext.regController("YourModelController", {
show: function(o) {
// some controller code
theres a mod for windows on the forums here:
also remember after you create the app to change to the app directory to issue controller/model/view commands
I know this is a pretty old question. But i had the same prob and did not find any complete reply. So here is my workaround
Let's say (installFolder) is the folder in which you installed your Sencha SDK
- copy (installFolder)\command\vendor\nodejs\win\node.exe into the install folder (installFolder)
- open a dos session
- cd (installFolder)
- set NODE_PATH=(installFolder)\command\vendor\nodejs\node_modules
- node (installFolder)\command\sencha.js app create --name=(appName) --path=../(appName) --libray=all
Hope this helps !