Many-to-Many Design, 2 kind of relationship on the same objects?
For example, one User has joined many Groups, one Group has many User members. This is a normal many-to-many relation. However, I want to identify users as 'member' and 'owner': One group will have many 'owner' and many 'member'; each user can be either owner or member of a group. As same time, 'owner' should also be a kind of 'member'. How should I create the table structure like this?
I ha开发者_如何学JAVAve the normal many-to-many relation like this, there also is a field in :group_user_relations table to identify whether the user is a member or a owner.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# many-to-many to groups
has_many :group_user_relations
has_many :groups, :through => :group_user_relations
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
# many-to-many to users
has_many :group_user_relations
has_many :users, :through => :group_user_relations
alias_attribute :members, :users
You need the following tables:
The USERGROUPROLE table is this:
userid references USER
groupid references GROUPS
roleid referencees ROLES
Primary key (userid, groupid, roleid)
This would permit owner of a group to be also a member of the group. It would allow the group to have multiple owners and multiple members. A group has 0 or more members; a group has 0 or more owners.
You could have a PERMISSIONS and a ROLEPERMISSIONS table to identify the powers of particular roles. A ROLE has 0 or more permissions.
roleid references ROLES
permissionid references PERMISSIONS
Sample permissions:
can delete
can edit
can create new topic
can attach file