Store last tweet ID of my followers which @mention me and have a hashtag
I'd like store my followers latest status tweet containing that hashtag #RT and the mention of my name.
For example if one of my followers status 开发者_Python百科was "HEY watch my video #RT @myusername" then I'd like to retweet this.
When you visit the following xml page we can get the followers last tweet.
I'd just like to store the tweet id which @menion me and contain the hashtag #RT.
The ID would be stored in a mysql table using php.
I'm having difficulty looping through all my follower stauses. I do understand that it'd have to be the last status update of my follower for this to work.
Can you please assist me.
Many Thanks, ayathullah
Rather than loop through all of your follower's statuses, you'd be better off just looping through all of the tweets that mention your name. Twitter provides a method for this:
Then all you need to do is find the tweets that contain the "#RT". Much easier.