
Could not set the svn commit message in ccnet

I made a CCNET task to commit changes in a setup project after all msbuild tasks have successfully finished.

<exec executable="svn.exe">
   <description>Commit changes in the setup project file to SVN</description>
   <buildArgs>commit -m "Commmit project file after build %CCNetLabel%" -F Setup.vdproj --no-auth-cache --non-interactive --force-log</buildArgs>

I've tried executing this command in the command prompt and it was working as expected. However, when I put the exec task in C开发者_如何学PythonCNET, the message recorded in SVN is completely different from what I was expecting. I keep getting something like

"VSVersion" = "3:800"
"ProjectType" = "8:{978C614F-708E-4E1A-B201-565925725DBA}"
"IsWebType" = "8:FALSE"
"SccLocalPath" = "8:Svn"
"SccAuxPath" = "8:Svn"
"SccProvider" = "8:SubversionScc"

I have no idea where the SVN exec task is getting this message. Anybody else encountered this before? How do you set the correct message? Please advice.

Use tagOnSuccess instead, that's the supported CruiseControl.Net solution to track in svn what version has been used to generate each package.

  • Is svn.exe in path? Could it be that you're running in a service mode with different user environment?
  • Did you set the working directory properly (where are you committing from)?




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