Delete a cell array column
Placed simple values into the cell array for testing.
i=2;//I want to remove the second column
temp={ model{:,1:i-1} model{:,i+1:size(model,2)} }
I wanted a result like this:
temp =
[1] [3] [4] [6]
But I'm getting this:
temp =
[1] [4] [3] [6]
How can I get this right?
p.s: for anyone working on Cell Arrays, there's a nice technique for appending here.
You can reshape or delete the cells themselves using ()-addressing.
model(:,2) = [];
You have to transpose the two pieces, and change some parentheses:
temp= [{ model{:,1:i-1}}' {model{:,i+1:size(model,2)}}']
there is a function called fun_removecellrowcols, which removes specific row/columns indicated by the user. This affects the dimensions of the cell, due to the row/cols removal.
Regards, José