
jquery re-establish img src in .load() function

I'm trying to figure out how to re-establish the img src if the image src path is invalid or no image is found. I have a dynamically created img src path that may sometimes be pointing to a directory with no actual images. In this case I need 开发者_开发知识库to change the src to img/missing.jpg. I have done this with no luck:

$('.imgContainer').append( "<img id='pic' src='/dynamically/created/path/to/img.jpg'>" );
$('.imgContainer img#pic').load(function(){
     if( $(this).width() == 0 && $(this).height() == 0 ){
        $(this).attr({src: 'img/missing.jpg'})
               .css({width:'100px', height:'100px'});

perhaps there is a better way to do this - but I do not know it...I tried using $(this).onerror = //some function but couldn't figure out how to get that to work either.

any help would be greatly appreciated...

The key to the problem is that the 'load' event only fires on images when the image is successfully loaded - so if you specify an invalid path, the load event will never take place. You want the 'error' handler instead, like this:

var img = $("<img id='pic' src='/dynamically/created/path/to/img.jpg'>")
        $(this).attr({src: 'img/missing.jpg'})
               .css({width:'100px', height:'100px'});

I've streamlined your code a little bit - so the order is: create the image element, bind the error event handler, then append to the document. I don't know if it makes any practical difference, but it seems to make more sense to set the handlers before the image has a chance to start loading (otherwise the load could theoretically happen before your event has been assigned).

Also, your check for width== 0 and height == 0 won't work in all browsers. Chrome and Safari both give you the width and height of the 'broken image' icon they show: 18x18px.





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