
How to have different build environments for android?

I have dozens of api keys to facebook and twitter and many other services, what is the standard way to have different values for the keys depending on if I am making a development build vs. a staging build vs. 开发者_如何学JAVAa production build?

You can use a static flag to use it in a switch block to define your keys. That works for a simple project with two or three alternative keys.

If you really have that many, to use in several projects, I suggest you to add them to a helper class, so you minimise the code changing in your classes. Something like:

public class BuildHelper {
    public static final int DEBUG=0;
    public static final int STAGING=1;
    public static final int PRODUCTION=2;

    public static int BUILD;

    public static String getFbKey() {
      switch(BUILD) {
        case DEBUG: return "xxx";
        case STAGING: return "yyy";
        case PRODUCTION: return "zzz"; 
      return null;
    public static String getTwitterKey() {
      switch(BUILD) {
        case DEBUG: return "xxx";
        case STAGING: return "yyy";
        case PRODUCTION: return "zzz"; 
      return null;

and use it as:

public class YourClass extends Activity {

    public static String FB_KEY;
    public static String TWITTER_KEY;

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    BuildHelper.BUILD=BuildHelper.DEBUG; // or STAGING or PRODUCTION
    FB_KEY = BuildHelper.getFbKey();
    TWITTER_KEY = BuildHelper.getTwitterKey();

I would keep them in separate properties files and reference the applicable property file in your build script/eclipse class path depending on what you're doing.





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