
Iphone Sqlite problem

I have to make a project using sqlite, i would rather use simple plists, xml or even core data as i don't have any experience with sql. However it has to be able to read from sqlite database. I downloaded the FMDB wrapper and set it up quickly however when i try and read from my database it does not display in the tableview, Here is my code:

TermsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

NSString *path  = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Database" ofType:@"sql"];
FMDatabase *db  = 开发者_如何学Python[[FMDatabase alloc] initWithPath:path];
[db open];

FMResultSet *fResult= [db executeQuery:@"SELECT * FROM country WHERE id=1"];

while([fResult next])

    CountryString = [fResult stringForColumn:@"name"];

    [CountryArray addObject:CountryString];

    NSLog(@"The data is %@=",CountryString);
[db close];

and i display it in my tableview using this:

NSString *Text = [CountryArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
cell.textLabel.text = Text;

Now i don't get any errors, however the array is always empty, in the console i don't get any warnings etc either but i noticed that the NSLOG never shows up, so i don't think that part is working. Heres my sql file in a text editor:

 CREATE TABLE country ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(250),location TEXT,number INTERGER);
  INSERT INTO country (name,location,number) VALUES('UK','country location here',1);

Also how are sqlite files supposed to be like? I created one using a sqlite editor and it produced a sql file, when i open it in a text editor i just see sql statements?

It would be really great it someone could help me with this,


just copy the sql statements and run it in the sql console after that u have to backup the database using .backup

I have fixed it, It was a problem with my sql file, it now works great! Thanks for all your comments!





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