Get data from different databases dynamically in sql server
I am facing a problem in sql query. I have my databases which has same tables and same column in every table. I want to retrieve same columns from two or three tables in every database. ex.
DatebaseName TableName(exist in every database)
Demo Patient, charge, WorkDescriptor Medical Patient, charge, WorkDescriptor Test Patient, charge, WorkDescriptor
This is my query
select db_name() as DBName, substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11) as Date, c.operatorID as username, count(wd.code) as TotalCPT, p.acctnumber as TotalPatient, sum(c.amount) as TotalAmount from Charge c inner join workDescriptor wd on wd.IDWorkDescriptor = c.WorkDescriptorID inner join patient p on c.PatientID = p.IDPatient where c.eDate between '01/01/2009' and '05/31/2011' group by c.operatorID, substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11), p.acctnumber order by substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11) compute sum(count(wd.code))
It is retreive the data of current database. But I want the output data from every database. like example solution
DBName Date(mm/dd/yyyy)Username TotalCPT TotalPatient TotalAmount Demo 01/01/2010 A 1 1 41.82 Demo 01/01/2010 A 5 4 70.00 Demo 01/01/2010 B 3 3 41.84 Medical 01/02/2010 A 1 1 0.00 Medical 01/02/2010 B 5 4 50.24 Medical 01/02/2010 B 3 3 21.50 Test 01/03/2010 A 1 1 56.98 Test 01/03/2010 A 5 开发者_运维问答 4 45.75 Test 01/03/2010 B 3 3 56.52 ------ -------- --------------- 27 25 384.65
Any suggestion will be appreciated. If you have any query to achieve my goal. Thanks in advance
If absolutely the same query is supposed to be run against every databse, you could try something like this:
DECLARE @DBIndex int;
DECLARE @results TABLE ( -- the types are based on assumptions, should be reviewed
DBName sysname,
Date varchar(11),
username varchar(50),
TotalCPT int,
TotalPatient int,
TotalAmount decimal(10, 2)
SET @DBIndex = 0;
SET @DBIndex = @DBIndex + 1;
IF @DBIndex = 1
USE Demo
ELSE IF @DBIndex = 2
USE Medical
ELSE IF @DBIndex = 3
USE Test;
INSERT INTO @results
db_name() as DBName,
substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11) as Date,
c.operatorID as username,
count(wd.code) as TotalCPT,
p.acctnumber as TotalPatient,
sum(c.amount) as TotalAmount
from Charge c
inner join workDescriptor wd on wd.IDWorkDescriptor = c.WorkDescriptorID
inner join patient p on c.PatientID = p.IDPatient
where c.eDate between '01/01/2009' and '05/31/2011'
group by c.operatorID, substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11), p.acctnumber
order by substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11)
compute sum(count(wd.code))
FROM @results
I would possibly remove the ORDER BY clause from the main query, because what ultimately matters is the ORDER BY in the final SELECT, i.e. from @results
. Some additional columns might then need to be added to @results
for them to be used in ORDER BY.
Very easy, use a union, 3 part naming, and hard code the db names; like so:
'Demo' as DBName,
substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11) as Date,
c.operatorID as username,
count(wd.code) as TotalCPT,
p.acctnumber as TotalPatient,
sum(c.amount) as TotalAmount
from Demo.dbo.Charge c
inner join Demo.dbo.workDescriptor wd on wd.IDWorkDescriptor = c.WorkDescriptorID
inner join Demo.dbo.patient p on c.PatientID = p.IDPatient
where c.eDate between '01/01/2009' and '05/31/2011'
group by c.operatorID, substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11), p.acctnumber
order by substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11)
compute sum(count(wd.code))
'Medical' as DBName,
substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11) as Date,
c.operatorID as username,
count(wd.code) as TotalCPT,
p.acctnumber as TotalPatient,
sum(c.amount) as TotalAmount
from Medical.dbo.Charge c
inner join Medical.dbo.workDescriptor wd on wd.IDWorkDescriptor = c.WorkDescriptorID
inner join Medical.dbo.patient p on c.PatientID = p.IDPatient
where c.eDate between '01/01/2009' and '05/31/2011'
group by c.operatorID, substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11), p.acctnumber
order by substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11)
compute sum(count(wd.code))
'Test' as DBName,
substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11) as Date,
c.operatorID as username,
count(wd.code) as TotalCPT,
p.acctnumber as TotalPatient,
sum(c.amount) as TotalAmount
from Test.dbo.Charge c
inner join Test.dbo.workDescriptor wd on wd.IDWorkDescriptor = c.WorkDescriptorID
inner join Test.dbo.patient p on c.PatientID = p.IDPatient
where c.eDate between '01/01/2009' and '05/31/2011'
group by c.operatorID, substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11), p.acctnumber
order by substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11)
compute sum(count(wd.code))
There are other ways to do it, but this one will work and is just as efficient as others that I can think of for now.
Ok, this should work, might need a bit of tweaking, but the idea is there:
CREATE TABLE #t1 (DBName VARCHAR(128), [Date] DATETIME, username VARCHAR(128), TotalCPT INT, TotalPatient INT, TotalAmount DECIMAL (16,2))
SELECT @fromDate = '01/01/2009', @toDate = '05/31/2011'
FROM Master.sys.databases
WHERE name NOT IN ('master','tempdb','msdb','model')
OPEN db_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbName
SELECT @sql = '
INSERT INTO #t1(DBName, [Date], username, TotalCPT, TotalPatient, TotalAmount)
select ''' + @dbName + ''' as DBName,
substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11) as Date,
c.operatorID as username,
count(wd.code) as TotalCPT,
p.acctnumber as TotalPatient,
sum(c.amount) as TotalAmount
from Demo.dbo.Charge c
inner join Demo.dbo.workDescriptor wd on wd.IDWorkDescriptor = c.WorkDescriptorID
inner join Demo.dbo.patient p on c.PatientID = p.IDPatient
where c.eDate between ''' + @fromDate + ''' and ''' + @toDate + '''
group by c.operatorID, substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11), p.acctnumber
order by substring(convert(varchar, c.eDate, 101), 0, 11)
compute sum(count(wd.code))'
EXEC (@sql)
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbName
CLOSE db_cursor
DEALLOCATE db_cursor