
Error when creating Toast

My code is

Context c = getApplicationContext();

CharSequence c1 = "Invalid Data Entered";

Toast t= Toast.makeText(c开发者_高级运维, c1, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);


it showing NULL POINTER EXCEPTION AT Toast.makeText() line

Any help..? thanks..

It was actually because i was calling it from a different class and not an activity.. that was the reason.. IV can't create Toast in an Activity which is not running..

you just have to use your view instead of getApplicationContext() for example if it is rowView just call :

Toast.makeText(rowView.getContext, " " ,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Maybe I am being blind, but the only thing I can see that could be null is your


Check if that's null, and have it log it if it is, so you know the cause.

Can you show the code surrounding it please?

try this and check.

Context c = getBaseContext(); 
CharSequence c1 = "Invalid Data Entered";

Toast t= Toast.makeText(c, c1, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);


or Toast t= Toast.makeText(activity, c1, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

you can also use activity instead of context..

Try to use this:

Toast t= Toast.makeText(YourActivity.this, c1, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);// YourActivity is the class name

for showing toast.

The issue may be in line Context c = getApplicationContext();

if context is null then you will get NULLPOINTER EXCEPTION in Toast t= Toast.makeText(c, c1, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

You can use the following if your class extends Activity

Toast t= Toast.makeText(Classname.class, c1, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);


Toast t= Toast.makeText(this, c1, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

If your class doesnot extend Activity better pass the context value to this class from the calling environment. after that use that context to create Toast

Thanks Deepak

Context c=getApplicationContext();
Toast t=Toast.makeText(c, "invalid data enterd", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

I tried this and it is working...

Write this..

Toast t = Toast.makeText(this, "Invalid Data Entered", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

First of all check if you are calling toast.show() method inside an activity . Because toast is meant to show on user screen and you can not show it outside like service or non activity class . If you are trying to show toast some where in activity your code should work.





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