Complex For & If loop confusion, returning and accessing classes. Objective-C
I have a view which has a number of subviews. I need to find a particular UIImageView with a particular UIImage.
Here is the code I'm using to loop through:
BOOL fileExistsAtLocation;
for (id subview in drawGallery.subviews){
if ([[subview class] isSubclassOfClass: [UIImageView class]]){
// I need to detect the subview's image property to see if it matches.
I've tried
i开发者_如何转开发f(subview.image == [UIImage imageNamed:image]){
But I'm getting told that image isn't part of the structure, which is understandable as all the subviews are essentially of UIView type. How do I target only the UIImageViews and then check their image property?
Regarding the 'tag' answer, the code I tried was:
BOOL fileIsAtLocation;
for (id subview in drawGallery.subviews){
if ([subview isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]]){
if ((UIView *)subview.tag){
[UIImage imageNamed:image] will return a new instance of that image so it will NEVER be equal. I'd suggest tagging all of your subviews. So when you create the image views, assign a unique tag (this could just be an auto incrementing number). Then you can detect of interest based on the tag.
BOOL fileExistsAtLocation;
for (id subview in drawGallery.subviews){
if ([subView isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]){
// I need to detect the subview's image property to see if it matches.
if([(UIView *)subView tag] == uniqueIDAssignedToImage) {
// You have found your view
Also use isKindOfClass to check the class type.
Hope this helps.
Did you try to use type conversion?
if(((UIImageView *)subview).image == [UIImage imageNamed:image]){
You can also try to change iteration logic:
for (UIView *subview in drawGallery.subviews) {
If you have to find a single view with tag, try
UIImageView *imageViewISearchFor = [drawGallery viewWithTag:uniqueIDAssignedToImage];