
Show Heading when Div is visible

I'm trying to display one of two headings depending on whether some DOM elements are available / visible on the page. For some reason, it's not working... Here's the live demo so far.

I've got the following code:

$('h3.list_heading').css('display', 'none');
$('h3#error').css('display', 'none');
开发者_运维百科    if ( $('div.availableNowListing').filter(':visible').length == 0) {
        $('h3#error').css('display', 'block');
    } else {
        $('h3.list_heading').css('display', 'block');

At the moment, no matter what I select I only ever get one heading displayed...

EDIT Just to explain what should happen: When clicking on the store to sort by, it should only display entries that's associated with that store. If there's no fruit associated with that store, the heading:

Our Suggestion of the Best Available in xxxxx this Week

should change to

Bad Luck! It seems we could't find any good fruit at xxxxx store this week

EDIT 2 Tried using the following code, but nomatter which store I select to sort by, I just get the error message even if the div's I'm looking for are present...

if ( $('div.availableNowListing:visible').length) {
} else {

Try changing these lines in your switch


to this instead, shifting the function call as a callback for fadeOut().

$('div.availableNowListing').not(':first').find('div.available_now_entry').fadeOut('fast',  check_heading);

Not sure if it will help, but try changing the code to:


if ($('div.availableNowListing:visible').length) {
} else {

function onscreen_sort (get_store) {
  var check = false;
  $('div.availableNowListing').each( function() {
      // Reset Display
      var correct = $(this).children('.' + get_store).not(':first-child')
      var incorrect = $(this).children(':not(.' + get_store + ') ').not(':first-child')

      if(correct.length > 0) record = true;

      correct.find(":hidden").fadeIn('fast');  //only hide which is not correct ->less dom overlow
      incorrect.find(":visible").fadeOut('fast'); //any only show which is correct but hidden

function check_heading(boo) {

  if (boo) {
  } else {

switch ( store_selected ) {
  case "all" : 
      var class_match = "in_all"
      $('span.store_change').text( ' All Stores' );
      //check_heading();  //no more needed!

  case "asda" : 

I hope this works. God luck!





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