
Initializing a AS 3.0 vector with type array - Vector.<Array>? (plus C++ equivelant)

I have a quick question for you all. I'm trying to convert over some ActionScript code to C++ and am having a difficult time with this one line:

private var edges:Vector.<Array>

What is this exactly? Is this essentially a multidimensional vect开发者_开发知识库or then? Or is this simply declaring the vector as a container? I understand from researching that vectors, like C++ vectors, have to be declared with a type. However, in C++ I can't just put down Array, I have to use another vector (probably) so it looks like:

vector<vector<T> example;

or possibly even

vector<int[]> example;

I don't expect you guys to know the C++ equivalent because I'm primarily posting this with AS tags, but if you could confirm my understand of the AS half, that would be great. I did some googling but didn't find any cases where someone used Array as it's type.

From Mike Chambers (adobe evangelist) :

"Essentially, the Vector class is a typed Array, and in addition to ensuring your collection is type safe, can also provide (sometimes significant) performance improvements over using an Array."


Essentially the vector in C++ is based on the same principles. As far as porting a vector of Arrays in AS3 to C++, well that's not a conversion that is clear cut in principle, as you could have a collection (array) of various types in C++, such as a char array. However, it appears you've got the idea, as you've pretty much posted examples of both avenues in your question.

I would post some code but I think you've got it exactly. Weather you use a vector within a vector or you declare a specifically typed collection I think comes down to a matter of what works best for you specific project.

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