
Is Cassandra Good For Banking Application? [closed]

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Hello fell开发者_JS百科ow developer,i got very disturbing question about Cassandra,is cassandra good for Banking application which hold sensitive data?

because cassandra not using ACID but CAP,how about that?

is that any strategy to implement good and secure database in Cassandra?thanks for your response and sorry for my bad english..


Banking is a wide industry, with many different sorts of systems which might be considered "banking applications". There are some for which Cassandra could be appropriate.

However, the lack of ACID support probably rules out financial transaction systems.

"how about if i store something sensitive like credit card information,or transactional information,is CAP still safe because not using ACID"

Those are two different kinds of safe.

For credit card information, safety means protecting the data from unauthorised access. This includes not just storage on the file system but internode communication. I believe the latest version of Cassandra does support this, but I think it would be better for your application to encrypt/decrypt the credit card details and leave Cassandra to store the gobbledegook.

For transactional information, safety means a consistent view of the data regardless of access path. Eventual consistency is no good when we're dealing with bank balances. Or the other hand, Cassandra would be fine for logging the transaction details in an audit trail.





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