
Why is this content invisible when prepended or html'd?

I am trying to prepend a string but it is invisible for some reason. Anyone know what is wrong with it?

$('#someelement').prepend('<div id="chunk" chunk_id="302724de111fd8fd4a7.92282758">
<a shoutbox_id="302724de111fd8fd4a7.922827开发者_Go百科58" id="show-replies">
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<span class="date" id="1306595842">  0 seconds ago
<span class="msg">i said</span><br />
<span class="clear"></span>

You need to put all the HTML on a single line (remove the line breaks).

The other choice is to put a backslash at the end of every line. This will work:

$('#someelement').prepend('<div id="chunk" chunk_id="302724de111fd8fd4a7.92282758"> \
<a shoutbox_id="302724de111fd8fd4a7.92282758" id="show-replies">           \
<img src="images/show_more.png"></a>                                       \
<a shoutbox_id="302724de111fd8fd4a7.92282758" id="reply">Add Comment</a>   \
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<span class="shoutbox-list-nick">                                          \
<a href="statistics.php?user=g">g</a>                                      \
</span>                                                                    \
<span class="date" id="1306595842">  0 seconds ago                         \
</span><br>                                                                \
<span class="msg">i said</span><br />                                      \
<span class="clear"></span>                                                \
</li><hr>                                                                  \

The content is never added to the DOM, that's why it is not visible.

Running the code gives:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL

You cannot split your string over multiple lines like this.
It works if everything is on one line: http://jsfiddle.net/JCTpG/

When I put everything on one line it works for me: http://jsfiddle.net/





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