Parse javascript to php
This is my first post and every opinion/help will be much appreciated by me.
I am new to php and javascript. So lets start...
What i want to do is parse a variable to an external php form every time a person clicks on text.
For example lets assume that i have the following string echoed $test = "what a beautiful day";
I 开发者_如何学JAVAwant when a person clicks on "what" the "phpquery?test=what"
to be triggered.
From what i have read javascript can help with that because of the client side scripting logic
Thank you all in advance!
This is usually handed via XMLHttpRequest, usually abstracted via a library that irons out the differences between browsers (bigger libraries that do lots of other stuff include YUI and jQuery).
I would parse the sentence in such a way that each word is encapsulated in a tag. For example:
<span class="clickable">What</span> <span class="clickable">a</span> <span class="clickable">wonderful</span> <span class="clickable">day</span>
than you can bind a click function to each of these spans like so using JQuery
$(document).ready(function() {
$("span.clickable").bind("click", function() {
var wordClicked = $(this).html();
$.get("phpquery?word=" + wordClicked );
and do as SalmanPK suggested and use the $.get to send the word click to PHP :)
Yes you will have to do that using AJAX.
Have a look at jQuery, its very easy to learn for newbies.
You can accomplish this with jQuery using this simple piece of code:-
$('a').click(function(){ // You can use a css selector to select your anchor tag
Ofcourse in most cases XMLHttpRequest would be suitable, but maybe you prefer the simple solution: = "?test=what";
here is an example of how you could achieve the click handling with jQuery, and also how you can do an ajax call (commented out after alert)
<p class="interactive">this is some text</p>
var textArray = $('.interactive').text().split(' ')
var textItem = $('<span>'+this+' </span>'){
var text = $(this).text()
alert('fire off ajax request with text='+text)