
Printing with excel and java or others

at the moment I am using Desktop.print() to print excel sheets. This looks quite stupid when you want to print one file 10 times. Excel opens up, prints, shutsdown and that 10 times.

I don't care about multiplatform stuff, so a call the exec(excel.exe print-this 10-times); would be perfectly okay.

How ca开发者_开发问答n this be done? Maybe displaying the excel print dialog?

Try a simple macro like this one, just make sure you change the parameters to what you want it as though!

sub printThis()

Sheets("Sheet1").Activate '// Activate the sheet you want to print With ActiveSheet.PageSetup '// Change the page setup parameters .Orientation = xlLandscape '// xlLandscape or xlPortrait .Draft = False '// If true then any graphics aren't printed .PaperSize = xlPaperA4 '// Paper size .FitToPagesWide = 2 '// How wide you want it to be .FitToPagesTall = 1 '// How tall you want it to be End With

'// Now print the selected page however many times you like! ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=10, Collate:=True

End sub

Here's an old reference to it on the MSDN library if you want to see all of the different parameters. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa174261(v=office.11).aspx





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