
How do I debug JmsTemplate?

I am using SpringsourceTool and the Spring framework.

I have some code that uses JmsTemplate to send messages via convertAndSend(Object). I want to debug it as a JUnit test. So, for the test class, I select Run->Debug As->JUnit Test.

I set a breakpoint and was able to closely follow the trace until 开发者_JAVA百科I hit jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(obj) in which case when I hit Step Into (F5), I get a

Source not found.
Edit Source Lookup Path


Firstly, your problem is to with how to use Eclipse, and attaching sources to your library dependencies. This isn't a problem with JmsTemplate or Spring.

Having said that, you don't need to unit test JmsTemplate - it's already been unit tested by the Spring team. You can assume it works.

If your code is coupled to JmsTemplate, then consider refactoring it to depend on the JmsOperations interface instead. You can then mock or stub out that interface in your test.

If a deeper introspection into your JMS-communication is needed:

  • add logging.level.com.ibm.mq=TRACE to your application.properties
  • add -Dcom.ibm.msg.client.commonservices.trace.status=ON to your java-startup-parameters

Then check

  • your application-logfile
  • the application-start-directory, where you sould find a *.TRC-file with a lot of debug-information

see: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/ibm-mq/9.0?topic=tmcja-collecting-mq-classes-jms-trace-by-using-java-system-property





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