
JAX-WS types element not shown

I'll try to make this question as clear as possible

I have a Java EAR project file with several JAX-WS web services.

Each web service has a element that imports a schema XSD file.

If I access the wsdl file in the project the element is present.

If I access the same wsdl from a client (browser) the element isn't shown.

Anyone has any idea why this happens?

WSDL from project:

  // The following lines <types> ate miissing on the WSDL when accessed from the client (browser)
      <xsd:import namespace="http://xxxxx.call/" schemaLocation="Callxxxxx_schema.xsd"/>
  <service name="Call_xxxxxx">
    <port name="Call_xxxxxPort" binding="tns:Call_xxxxxPortBinding">
      <soap:address location="http://srv-can01-dev.teste.lab:9081/MyModule/Call_xxxxx"/>

(Same) WSDL from client:

  //<types> part missing when accessing from the client (browser)
  <service name="Call_xxxxx">
    <port name="Call_xxxxxPort" binding="tns:Call_xxxxxPortBinding">
      <soap:address location="http://machineIp:9081/MyModule/Call_xxxxx"/>

@RedEagle: try few things and let me know result:- i) Rename your .wsdl extn file to .xml file and open it with your browser. See if it appears fine.

ii) See the "View Source" from browser to check what is actually being received by browser.

iii) Make sure there is no surrounding html or XML based comment tags.

iv)lastly instead of <xsd:import>, define your XML elements/types with in WSDL file itself and see if it works.





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